Old Website Design

20 November, 2011

2003 Website 2003, Design and Coding on Microsoft Front Page

2009, Design and Coding on Microsoft Front Page

2010, Current Site. Designed on Adobe Photoshop and Coding on Dreamweaver.

When i first made the webdesign (2003) i had no clue how to go about it, so just for the look of it i designed the page on front page.  Later i found out more about domain and hosing and how it works and launched my first website on 2009.  Luckily i got it on my name itself.
i had some linking issue on animation page (2009) and didn't quite work i expected and i have some issues on browser compatibility also. so i kept the site on hold and didn't do anything after that.
I was in the search of good developer and i found one who happens to be my colleague and discussed with him and re-designed the whole website, which is my current site. Finally iam happy what i got. 

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